Re-categorization of Private Accommodation
The basic rules governing categorization of private rental properties can be found here.
The Croatian Law governing Hospitality Services was amended and updated in a supplement which came into force on April 7th 2020 (Zakon o izmjenama i dopuni Zakona o ugostiteljskoj djelatnosti, NN 42/20-888). The amendments are centred on the process of re-categorizing tourist accommodation whose permit has expired or is due to expire.
For renters who have been operating on the basis of a temporary categorization licence, the expiry date has been extended by one year to December 31st 2024.
Renters who have been operating with a licence issued under the special terms of Article 21, item 3, of the Law on Hospitality Services ( Zakon o ugostiteljskoj djelatnosti, NN 85/2015-1648) are allowed to continue operating for up to a year after the expiry date of the special conditions under which the licence was issued, as laid down in Article 9 item 2 of the Law.
Renters who obtained their categorization certificates before September 1st 2007, i.e. before the new rules on categorization came into effect (Pravilnik o razvrstavanju i kategorizaciji objekata u kojima se pružaju ugostiteljske usluge u domačinstvu, NN 88/07) have to apply for a new certificate of categorization for permission to continue offering hospitality services with the right to display the categorization stars, giving proof that their accommodation and services are in accordance with the updated conditions applicable to this hospitality sector according to the current Law. The deadlines for applying for re-categorization are as follows:
- for certificates issued between 15/08/1995 and 31/12/2000: final deadline 08/04/2022.
- for certificates issued between 01/01/2001 and 31/12/2004: final deadline 08/04/2023.
- for certificates issued between 01/01/2005 and 01/09/2007: final deadline 08/04/2024.
Applications for re-categorization have to be presented with the due tax fee (generally in the form of tax stamps, taksene marke or biljege, which you can buy at any Post Office or Tisak kiosk), and a photocopy of the renter’s identification card (or passport). After the application is accepted, an inspection of the premises will be carried out.