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Free Disposal of Large Rubbish Items

How to dispose of large amounts or items of rubbish legally in the Jelsa Municipality.

The Digital Nomad Visa: How to Apply

The special Digital Nomad Visa is available to foreign nationals working remotely, who fulfil certain conditions.

Re-categorization of Private Accommodation

Keep your categorization permit up to date

Interest-free loans of HBOR to entrepreneurs in tourism activities

In order to help businesses in the tourist trade survive despite the effects of the COVID-19 crisis, the Croatian Ministry of Tourism and the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development have collaborated on measures to provide interest-free loans to micro, …

Visitor Taxes

There is a charge for all visitors overnighting in the Jelsa Council area.

The Tourism Membership Fee

The TZ 2 FORM HAS TO BE SUBMITTED BY PERSONS WHO PROVIDE HOSPITALITY SERVICES IN A HOUSEHOLD OR ON A FAMILY AGRICULTURAL FARM: Note: the form is in Croatian only, please ask the Tourist Board personnel if you need help …

Protection of Personal Data

Personal Data Protection The Jelsa Council Tourist Board is committed to ensuring security and privacy for your personal information, in accordance with the EU General Directive on Data Protection (2016/679) as laid down by the European Parliament and the Council …

Advertising on the Tourist Board Website

Free exposure for your business on the Tourist Board website!