The Categorization Process
Applications for the mandatory categorization of privately rented properties are processed at the State Administrative Organization Office for the Split-Dalmatian County, which has a local office in Hvar Town, tel. 021/741-146; 021/741-166
- Request for household services
Necessary documents for object categorization:
1.Proof of citizenship of an EU member state (copy of identity card / passport)
2.Proof of ownership of the facility or ownership of the land for the camp
a) Extract from the land register
b) Written consent of the object’s co-owner (if there are several owners)
c) Written consent of the owner of the object (if the request is submitted by a family member who is not the owner)
3. Evidence of the usability of the building – facility where services will be provided in accordance with the Construction Act (Official Gazette No. 153/13)
4. Proof of paid administrative fee paid in government bonds or electronically in the amount of HRK 70.00 (EUR 9.29)
exchange rate: 1 EUR = 7.53450 HRK
Payment instructions:
IBAN: HR12 1001005-1863000160
Poziv na broj: HR64 5002-30873-OIB
Svrha uplate: upravna pristojba
5. Proof of paid compensation for the cost of the inspection:
- capacity of up to 2 beds that are included in the capacity of the facility……… HRK 150.00 (EUR 19.91)
- for each additional bed that enters the capacity……………10.00 kuna/bed (1.33 EUR) -repeated inspection (capacity of up to 2 beds that enter the capacity of the facility). )
- for an inspection within 12 months from the de-registration of the categorized facility (capacity up to 2 beds that enter the capacity of the facility) … HRK 300.00 (EUR 39.82),
for each additional bed that enters the capacity… 10, HRK 00/bed (1.33 EUR)
Payment instructions:
IBAN: HR7124070001800017008
Model: HR68
Poziv na broj: 5312-OIB
Korisnik: SPLITSKO-DALMATINSKA ŽUPANIJA, Domovinskog rata 2, 21000 Split
Purpose of payment: Naknada troškova očevida
You should submit these documents to the Administrative Department for Tourism and Maritime Affairs in Hvar or send them to the e-mail: pisarnica.hvar@dalmacija.hr. After you have received the solution, you need to contact the office of the Tourist Board of Jelsa Municipality for login information in the evisitor system.
The standard plaques mandatory for categorized rental properties. Privately rented properties must display a plaque showing its categorization standard in stars. Failure to display it is subject to a fine.
https://mint.gov.hr/pristup-informacijama/kategorizacija-11512/standardizirana-ploce-za-objekte-koji-se-kategoriziraju/11513 (link in Croatian)
The eVisitor system for registering guests, their arrivals and departures.
This system was set up in order to simplify the process for registering and de-registering guests, centralize the collection of tourism data, and control the payment of the tourist levy. The information system in the eVisitor programme was created by the Croatian Tourist Board together with the network of local tourist boards and other stakeholders in accordance with all the legal requirements. These were laid down on November 20th 2015 in Croatia’s official Gazette (Narodne novine, 126/15), in a Directive which defined how tourists should be entered into official records, and set out the layout and content of the guest registration form to be submitted to local Tourist Boards.
The eVisitor programme was established as the official central electronic system for registering tourist arrivals and departures in the Republic of Croatia. The Directive came into effect on January 1st 2016.
http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2015_11_126_2395.html (link in Croatian)
The eVisitor programme was conceived as a web application to be installed directly on to any computer, and which is free for all users. The Directive made electronic registration the only method available for everyone offering accommodation rental services.
https://htz.hr/hr-HR/projekti-i-potpore/evisitor (link in Croatian)