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Information File for Renters

An invaluable updated resource available to all legitimate renters in the Jelsa Council region.

Services for Sailors

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Information for Visitors with Pets

Pets are generally welcome in Jelsa, but there are certain guidelines which it is necessary and wise to follow.

The Categorization Process

Categorization is the legal permit needed for renting out properties.

Interest-free loans of HBOR to entrepreneurs in tourism activities

In order to help businesses in the tourist trade survive despite the effects of the COVID-19 crisis, the Croatian Ministry of Tourism and the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development have collaborated on measures to provide interest-free loans to micro, …

Financial Dues for Private Renters in the Calendar Year

A renter of private accommodation is a physical entity who offers hospitality services within a household property. Accommodation can consist of a bedroom, apartment or holiday home, which must be owned by the renter, and must not exceed ten bedrooms …

The Town Hall

Jelsa’s Town Hall has a fascinating history.

Advertising on the Tourist Board Website

Free exposure for your business on the Tourist Board website!