Protection of Personal Data
Personal Data Protection
The Jelsa Council Tourist Board is committed to ensuring security and privacy for your personal information, in accordance with the EU General Directive on Data Protection (2016/679) as laid down by the European Parliament and the Council of Europe on April 27th 2016, to cover the protection of individuals in relation to the use of their personal details, the free movement of those details, and the relevant laws governing data protection.
Below is an explanation about the data which the Jelsa Tourist Board can collect, how the data may be kept and used, and with whom they may be shared.
Personal details
The Jelsa Tourist Board will never collect your personal information, such as your name, address, telephone number or email address, unless you choose to provide such information of your own free will, for instance for the purpose of questionnaires, requests or similar voluntary activities, and give your consent for this information to be collected.
Children’s personal details
When information society services are offered directly to children, processing of their personal data is legal if the child is at least 16 years old. For children under 16 years of age, processing of personal data is only legal with the approval or permission from the child’s parent, guardian or other person legally responsible for that child. The Jelsa Tourist Board takes all reasonable care to ensure the necessary permission has been obtained, taking into account available technology.
Legality and transparency
We process personal data solely on the basis of necessary legal requirements, permissions granted or other legitimate grounds. Transparency governs the way in which all personal data are collected, used, provided for inspection or processed in any other way; all the relevant details are made public, including the time limits and aims of processing your data, the identity of the persons processing the data, how you can access your personal data, procedures for lodging complaints, and requests to update personal data.
Limitations of use
Personal data are collected for particular, specific and legal purposes, and will not be used in any way that is not in keeping with these purposes. Data collected for one purpose are not used for any other, or in any way which is not in accordance with the approved use. The Jelsa Tourist Board will seek your permission for any use of your data which is outside the legal remit or not in accordance with the basic agreement.
Reducing the quantity of data
The personal data collected by the Jelsa Tourist Board are appropriate, necessary and limited to the purposes for which they are to be used. Those responsible for collecting and processing the data will not collect any data which are not relevant to the stated purpose.
Accuracy and integrity
The personal data collected must be correct and up to date, therefore we take every reasonable care to ensure that this is so: data which are not correct according to the purpose for which they are needed will be corrected or deleted.
Storage limitations
The length of time for which data can be stored is regulated by the relevant legal directives, or according to your personal wish in relation to your data.
Completeness and confidentiality
The Jelsa Council Tourist Board safeguards personal data from accidental or illegal deletion, loss or alteration, and from unauthorized disclosure or access, using technical and organizational security measures.
The Jelsa Council Tourist Board will respond to every reasonable request for correction of your personal data, additions, or deletion of inaccuracies. For any questions or comments relating to the policies governing data protection, please contact our official representative for data protection at: