Free Disposal of Large Rubbish Items
Dear residents in the Jelsa Municipality,
The summer tourist season is close, and it is time to renovate, decorate and prepare tourist premises. Our local rubbish disposal company Komunalno društvo Jelkom d.o.o. (website in Croatian) provides the service of collecting large unwanted waste items free of charge, up to a maximum of 2 m3 .
Placing large items next to the rubbish bins or disposing of them in unauthorized tips or public places is forbidden and punishable under the Law of Sustainable Rubbish Management. However, despite this and despite reminders to residents, there are constantly ugly instances of rubbish being dumped illegally in the environment.
We appeal to everyone to preserve and protect Hvar, our beautiful island. Let us be an example of conserving our environment, for the sake of all of us, and for the good of future generations.
If in the course of walking or driving you see dumped rubbish in the neighbourhood, please report it to the Waste Disposal Location website via the link: https://eloo.haop.hr/public/, which is also in English (accessed to the right of the top bar on the home page). The local wardens (komunalni redari) have to react to reported instances, collate details about the problem and confirm them in the Waste Location website and on the map.
In order to access the disposal service for large items or amounts of waste, you have to fill in the form which you can find at the end of this article or via the link Zahtjev za odvoz GO, and send it to info@jelkom.org.
For more information, please ring 021 718 950 during working hours.
Note: anyone using the public waste disposal services who has an outstanding unpaid debt to the company for more than 90 days must clear the debt before being eligible to use the service of large waste disposal.